
Texhnolyze Episode 13 English Dubbed


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Episode Description:
Ichise, Onishi, Michiko and Ishimori take a train from Lux to Gabe. Upon arrival, Onishi meets with the sage, who proclaims that Lux inevitably will first be destroyed and then be reborn. Ishimori tells Ichise that he does not necessarily have to be part of the Organo. Onishi, seeking advice, is brought in to speak with Ran, who predicts that he is in danger of being destroyed by the loss of his real legs, but she passes out before foretelling the overwhelming future of the city. Michiko tells Onishi that Ichise found an assassin in a nearby factory, which somehow supplies armed weapons. The assassin in the factory attacks Ichise, but Ishimori shoots him down. It is unveiled that Onishi sold his real legs as a child to a disabled boy as an act of kindness. Ishimori betrays the group and attempts to kill Onishi, but Ichise uses his texhnolyzed arm to shield Onishi, who then shoots Ishimori in the shoulder. Onishi is taken by surprise when the sage shows up with his tribe and breaks his ties with the Organo, and Ichise is distraught when Ran says that he will be the one to destroy everything.

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