
Texhnolyze Episode 12 English Dubbed


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Episode Description:
Toyama finally inducts Ichise into the Organo. Shinji and Hal discuss about where they will establish a new den for their group, much to Yoko Ryoko's annoyance. Kohakura informs Ichise and Toyama that the manager of an excavation named Yamura was found murdered. During the investigation, Toyama reveals that the Organo is kept alive through the Class by collecting raffia stored underground. After Toyama says that Yamura was illegally shipping raffia, he notices that Ran is trying to avoid him in the streets because she does not want to see his future. She collapses after envisioning men in blue fox masks surrounding Ichise. An old miner, offering a place for her to rest, is aware of Ichise's resentment towards his deceased father, but it was Ichise's father who was actually framed for illicitly selling raffia. After figuring out that neither the Salvation Union nor the Racan were responsible, Ichise and Toyama head to a gambling place, where Ichise spots those responsible for framing his father and brutally murders them with his bare fists.

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