
Texhnolyze Episode 21 English Dubbed


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Episode Description:
Ichise struggles to return to Lux, encountering Goto in the factory outside of the city. On the way to the city by train, the latter begins to question his existence. Onishi saves Michiko from three men harassing her in a bar, but she begs him to kill her, having lost the will to live after being raped and brutalized. It is revealed that all those who are texhnolyzed are starting to have malfunctioning limbs. Shinji enters the fortress of the Class, killing many of the members before being shot himself by Zashi, Kano's informant, who then shoots himself in the head. Ran has displayed her visions to the people of Lux, which drive them mad. The obelisk, in the voice of Ran, speaks to Onishi, who is nearly driven to insanity, as the people have come to kill him. However, when he asks for her guidance, she suggests that he must kill her in order to stop living on with madness in body and soul. Meanwhile, Ichise finds a hallucination of Ran underground, saying that he came back for her to protect her since she has been looking after him all this time. Onishi stabs the obelisk and causes it to bleed.

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