
Texhnolyze Episode 18 English Dubbed


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Episode Description:
Ran appears on a bridge in front of the obelisk overseeing Lux. Onishi and his group sneak underground to get past the Shapes that have raided his office. After burning Hal's body inside the den of the Racan, Shinji leaves Yoko to run an untold errand. Doc, trying to persuade Ichise that the world is coming to an end, embraces him and tells him that they must leave Lux before it is too late. Onishi drives to the fortress of the Class, dodging obstacles along the way, and rendezvouses with Shinji there. The two are allowed inside the fortress, where they meet three grandmothers, who warn them that they need to stop Kano while they still have a chance. Sakimura finds Onishi and Shinji, who are aware of his association with Yoshii. Onishi sends Doc as well as Ichise to the surface world, with Sakimura as their guide, to warn them of Kano's impending invasion.

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