
Texhnolyze Episode 16 English Dubbed


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In Gabe, the sage must unquestionably accept Ran's predictions even at the cost of the lives of the other tribe members. Since Kimata has gone against the belief of anti-texhnolyzation, due to his left arm being discreetly texhnolyzed, Inui quits the Salvation Union. Onishi, upset that Doc had disappeared on him, lets her know that he encountered Kano, but without seeing his face. Doc says that the Class plans to get rid of her ideas of texhnolyzation to allow Kano to begin his revolution upon the city. In the hospital, Ichise visits Goto, who tells him to shape his own future rather than depending on the future that Ran has foretold. Kohakura declares the Organo to be disbanded during an executive board meeting, but Onishi convinces some of the members to go against the decision. The Shapes infiltrate the hospital and attack Ichise, who tries to protect Goto from harm. When Ichise and Goto become surrounded, Onishi and his followers come to their rescue and mercilessly shoot the Shapes down. Kano sends a message to all texhnolyzed humans that Lux will now be governed by the Class under the security of the Shapes.

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