
Tex Avery Screwball Classics Season 3 Episode 13 Little 'Tinker (1948)


Episode Title:
Little 'Tinker (1948)
Episode Description:
The story begins at the home of B.O. Skunk, which contains many fans. B.O. takes a shower with O-Bouy soap (a parody of Lifebuoy soap, complete with its jingle) and overly douses himself with expiring perfume. Then he goes out for a walk. The flowers along the path from his home wither and fall as he passes them. As B.O. walks to the forest, he sees a pretty squirrel who calls him closer. But as B.O. goes to the squirrel with wilted flowers and she smells his stench, she runs out to her home and puts up a sign that reads "NO VACANCY". The point is that B.O. has an offensive odor from which everyone runs. B.O. then sees a pretty female rabbit. He first gives her a flower to smell, and then substitutes himself. The female rabbit screams in horror and runs into her hole and "zips" it. B.O. cries, not knowing what to do...

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