
Soul Eater Episode 30 English Subbed


Episode Title:
The Red Hot Runaway Express – A Magic Tool Left Behind by the Great Wizard?.
Episode Description:
Kid and the Thompson sisters head over to a train station in the Sahara Desert to investigate a possible magic tool being the power source of an unstoppable train known as the Runaway Express. They end up facing the youngest Mizune and the Fisher King, an Arachnophobia assassin, who also wish to take control of the tool. Upon defeating the Fisher King, Kid discovers that his father had something to do with the creation of the train along with the great wizard Eibon. Before the Fisher King can elaborate, he is killed by Sid, and Mizune escapes. While investigating in the library, Kid discovers the only book containing information on Eibon was checked out on the day that Asura was revived, deducing that Medusa was responsible for checking out the book.

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