
Fushigi Yuugi OVA 2 Episode 4 English Dubbed


Episode Title:
The Flame of Friendship.
Episode Description:
Taka is reunited with his/Tamahome's memories of Nuriko's strength, and the group spend the night in Nuriko's home. Before they can rest, Miaka and Taka are interrupted by Miisu, who paralyzes them both and reveals her spell and motivation. She attempts to control Taka into killing Miaka with his bare hands, but Taka uses a reawakened life force power to destroy the idol Miisu had made from his blood, revealing that his true power and motivation lies in loving and protecting Miaka forever. Tenkou then reveals himself, trapping Taka and Miaka alone with himself, Miisu and Renhou's unconscious body. With the rest of the Suzaku Seven unable to reach the couple, Tenkou steals the memories that Taka had already managed to recover, and Miaka can only watch as Tenkou destroys them. Before leaving, triumphantly feeding on Miaka's rage and pain, Tenkou displays more of his cruelty by disposing of Miisu and Renhou, who had outlived their usefulness to him. The next morning, both Taka and Miaka are distraught over what Tenkou's victory has done. Tasuki, who has been navigating some new feelings about Miaka that he is yet to understand, wonders how and why Miaka would stay with someone who seems to cause her nothing but pain and tears. While wandering alone with his thoughts, Tasuki is attacked by a mysterious rush of water. Taka, after an encouraging conversation with Nuriko about his love for Miaka, finds Tasuki in the woods, only to be attacked and incapacitated by Tasuki, who angrily shames him for hurting Miaka before threatening to take her for himself...

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