
ALVINNN!!! and the Chipmunks 2015 Season 3 Episode 23 The Devil Wears Rodentia / Career Day


Episode Title:
The Devil Wears Rodentia / Career Day
Episode Description:
The Devil Wears Rodentia:
When Brittany's passion for fashion and creativity catches Marina Rodentia's eye, the fashion mogul hires her to be her new apprentice in her store to help her come up with the next wave of trends; Brittany accepts the job with glee, but is soon disheartened when Marina relegates her to performing menial tasks throughout the store, such as cleaning and running personal errands, all the while Marina discards and trashes all of Brittany's concepts, telling her nobody will be willing to take a chance on anything new - especially from a "squirrel girl." Not wanting her sisters to know about her misery, Brittany quietly decides to quit, but discovers that Marina had secretly been stealing all of her designs and passing them off as her own, knowing her name and reputation will sell them to the fashion world. Outraged, Brittany calls Marina out for stealing her work, officially calls it quits, and decides to open up her own fashion line. All of this, meanwhile, Alvin is desperate to become a male model, to further put himself out in the spotlight.
Career Day:
It is Career Day at school, but Dave feels a tad inferior to the other parents, who seem to have more exciting careers, such as Cheesy's Day, Dirk, being an FBI agent. While watching news reports of a bank robber loose in town, and the police department having trouble catching him, Dave decides to take matters into his own hand to try to track and apprehend the robber himself. Unfortunately, The Chipmunks jump to conclusions and figure Dave to be the bank robber himself, and try to stop him. When they do so, they witness the real robber slipping away, while Dirk takes Dave in for questioning; it is revealed that Dirk is nothing more than the police department's IT guy, and that he was trying for a promotion to impress not only his son, but his colleagues as well. After Dave is cleared of the charges, he decides to let Dirk team up with him when he figures out the next bank the robber plans to hit.

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